Responsible for the publication: Pierre Heyriès

📧 📞 +33 (0)6 33 51 95 28

SIRET 750 793 739 00012 (the SIRET is the identification number for French companies)

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No personal information is recorded without your knowledge or passed on to third parties. E-mails, e-mail addresses and other personal information received by this site are not transferred or used in any way. They are kept until you ask for them to be deleted, and are intended exclusively for me.

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A statistical management tool measures the number of visits, the number of views as well as the activity of visitors to this site. When browsing the site, this tool collects data : it does not contain personal information. The collected data is retained by the host and is not transferred to third parties or used for any purpose other than statistics. This site does not record cookies (except technical cookies filed by the host that are exempt from consent).

Intellectual property

The information contained in this website is protected by French law 98-536 of July 1, 1998. Distribution, modification, reproduction, integral or partial, of this website are systematically subject to the owner’s permission.  

Photos and illustrations

The photos and illustrations used on this site are my own work

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Legal mentions made in accordance with French law n°2004‑575